Here is what we have found for you. To view details of a test, click on its name. If you have a question, please contact Corewell Health Reference Laboratory at 1-800-551-0488.
Naprosyn®, Anaprox®, Aleve, EPIC: LAB6112, Beaker: XMISC, MAYO: ZW80, MedTox: 366
NAT (Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia)
NAT, NAIT, Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia, Platelet Antibody Identification Panel, Blood Center of Wisconsin: BCW5603, Testing requires pathology approval prior to collection.
Nefazodone Level
Serzone, NMS 3145SP, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.
Neisseria meningitidis Antibody, IgG
Serogroups A, C, W-135, & Y, Neisseria meningitidis Tetravalent Antibodies, IgG, Meningococcal Serology, Meningitis Vaccine, EPIC: LAB1231223, Beaker: XNMAB, ARUP: 2001603
Neonatal Bilirubin Total and Direct
Baby Bilirubin, Bilirubin, Neonatal (includes Total and Direct), EPIC: LAB5019, Beaker: BILNE, Antrim: 13590
Nerve Biopsy, Fresh Tissue
Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) Evaluation
NMO-IgG, AQP, Devic’s Antibody, Aquaporin, EPIC: LAB6838, Beaker: XNMOE, Mayo: NMOFS
Neuron Specific Enolase
EPIC: LAB6307, Beaker: XMISC, Mayo: NSE
Neuronal Nuclear Antibodies (Southeast Michigan Only)
Hu, Ri, Yo, Tr/DNER, Anti Hu, Anti RI, Anti Yo, Neuronal Ab Immunoblot, Neuronal Nuclear Ab IgG, EPIC: LAB1231558, Beaker: XNNAB, ARUP: 3002917
Neutrophil Antibody Screen
Granylocyte Antibody Screen, Blood Center of Wisconsin: BCW5102. Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.
Neutrophil Associated Antibodies
Granulocyte antibodies, Granulocyte autoantibodies, Anti-Neutrophil Antibodies, Granulocyte Antibodies (Anti Neutrophil Antibodies), EPIC: LAB6633, Beaker: XNAA, Mayo: LAGGT
Neutrophil Oxidative Burst
Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out, Beaker: XMISC, Mayo: DHRP
Newborn Blood Karyotype
Karyotyping, Chromosome Analysis, Karyogram, Newborn Karyotype, Chromosome Studies, GBLNG, cytogenetics, EPIC: LAB2111370
Note: SNP chromosome microarray analysis should be considered prior to karyotype for any newborn with multiple congenital anomalies, the pattern of which does not suggest a specific known genetic disorder.
Newborn Direct Antiglobulin Test IgG-Gel
Newborn Screen, Original
EPIC: LAB1231372, Beaker: XNBS, MDHHS
Newborn Screen, Retest
EPIC: LAB1231373, Beaker: XNBR, MDHHS
Newborn Type with Gel DAT
Cord Blood Evaluation, Newborn Type/Gel DAT, Newborn Type/Gel DAT: EPIC: LAB1230547
FISH, NHL panel, genetic, GNHLF, IGH/BCL2 fusion FISH for t(14;18), IGH/CCND1 fusion FISH for t(11;14), BCL6 gene rearrangement for t(3q27;var), MYC gene rearrangement for t(8q24;var), MALT1 (18q21) gene rearrangement, EPIC: LAB1231023
Nicotine Metabolites Screen, Urine Qualitative
Nicotine, Cotinine, EPIC: LAB1231430, Beaker: XUNIC, Warde: UCOTN
NMDA Receptor Antibody, CSF
NMDA, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Antibody, CSF, EPIC: LAB1231531, Beaker: NMDA CSF, ARUP: 2005164
NMDA Receptor Antibody, Serum
NMDA, Anti- GluN1, Glutamate Receptor Antibodies, Anti- NR1, Glutamate Receptor Antibodies, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Antibody, Serum, EPIC: LAB1231711, Beaker: XNMDAS, ARUP: 2004221
N-Methylhistamine, 24-Hour Urine
EPIC: LAB1230617, Beaker: XNMHU24, MAYO: NMH24
N-Methylhistamine, Random Urine
NMR Lipo Profile
Nuclear Magnet Resonance Lipoprotein Profile, Serum, EPIC: LAB1230522, Beaker: XNMR1, ARUP: 2013716
EPIC: LAB1231367, Beaker: Norovirus, Warde: NOPCR
Pamelor, Aventyl, EPIC: LAB8070, SOFT: NORTI, Antrim #17111
NPM1 Mutation Analysis
Nucleophosmin 1 Gene Mutation, NPM1 Gene Mutation, NPM1 Mutation, AML, acute myelogenous leukemia, EPIC: LAB3689, Beaker: GNPMG
N-Telopeptide, Urine, Random
N-Telopeptide, Urine, Collagen Crosslinks, Crosslinked N-Telopeptide of Type I Collagen, Urine, NTX Creatinine, NTx-Telopeptide, Urine, EPIC: LAB1231742, Beaker: XNTXU, Warde: NTXUR
Nucleotidase, 5'
EPIC: LAB1231203, Beaker: XNUCL, ARUP: 80235
Nutmeg IgE
EPIC: LAB1231401, Beaker: XNTMGIGE, Warde: RF282
Nutrition Panel
Nutrition Panel (Inpatients Only), EPIC: LAB1231117, Beaker: NUT, Antrim: 17255