Medical Laboratory Science 46-Week Program


Using the Lockbox for Lab Specimens

Extreme temperatures can affect the vitality of your specimens. In order to minimize this DO NOT place your laboratory specimens in your lockbox until close to the end of the day. If you require and earlier pick-up time, please call Client Services at 248-551-1155. Please print and post the lockbox instructions provided in the links below.

Cold Weather Client Memo

Cold Weather Lock Box Instructions

When it comes to providing expert, whole-patient care, results matter.

At Corewell Health Laboratory, every specimen, every test, every analysis and report represents a patient who is relying on us. Our comprehensive capabilities put us at the forefront of new research and development of healing therapies providing successful treatment. We use leading-edge technologies together with exceptionally talented expertise for analyses. We rely on precision and accuracy to deliver reliable, timely results.

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