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Here is what we have found for you. To view details of a test, click on its name. If you have a question, please contact Corewell Health Reference Laboratory at 1-800-551-0488.

ZAP 70 Evaluation
Flow Cytometry, ZAP-70, ZAP-70 Evaluation/Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Prognostic Panel, ZAP70 Evaluation Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Prognostic Panel, EPIC: LAB6419

Zika Virus

Zika Request: EPIC: LAB1230465
Blood PCR: EPIC: LAB1231768, Beaker: XBLD, Mayo: VZIKS-Lab Only
Urine PCR: EPIC: LAB1231513, Beaker: XZURN, Mayo: VZIKU-Lab Only
Serum IgM: EPIC: LAB1231440, Beaker: XPKZM, Mayo: VZIKM-Lab Only

Zinc Level
Zn, EPIC:LAB1231334, Beaker: XZN, Warde: ZINC

Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP), Whole Blood
EPIC: LAB1230014, Beaker: XZPIN, Warde: ZPP

Zinc, 24-Hour Urine
EPIC: LAB6857, Beaker: XMISC, Mayo: ZNU

Zinc, RBC
EPIC: LAB1231342, Beaker: XZNCR, Warde: ZNRBC

Zonisamide Level
Zonegran, Antrim #19574, EPIC: LAB1231318, SOFT: ZONIS

Zygosity Testing
Screen for Twin Zygosity, Integrated: 592

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