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Here is what we have found for you. To view details of a test, click on its name. If you have a question, please contact Corewell Health Reference Laboratory at 1-800-551-0488.

Y Chromosome Microdeletion Molecular Analysis for Male Infertility
Y microdeletion, male infertility, genetic, GYMDG, EPIC: LAB6808

Yellow Hornet (Allergen Specific IgE)
Yellow Hornet Venom (i5), Antrim #30040, EPIC: LAB2111512, SOFT: EYEL

Yellow Jacket Venom (Allergen Specific IgE)
Yellow Jacket Venom (i3), Antrim #30045, EPIC: LAB2111658, SOFT: EYEJ

Yersinia enterocolitica Antibodies, IgG, IgM and IgA
Yersinia Species Antibodies, IgG, IgM and IgA, EPIC: LAB1231224, Beaker: XYER1, ARUP: 51241

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  • Ordering laboratory tests
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