Trypanosoma cruzi Total Antibody, Enzyme-Linked Immunosm
Chagas Disease, Tcruzi IgG Ab, Trypanosoma cruzi Total Antibody, IgG
Test Codes
EPIC: LAB1230859, Beaker: XTCRG, MAYO: CHAGS
Send Outs
Specimen Collection Criteria
Collect (preferred specimen): One Gold-top SST tube.
Also acceptable: One plain Red-top tube.
Physician Office/Draw Specimen Preparation
Let specimen clot 30-60 minutes then centrifuge to separate serum from cells within two hours of collection. Transfer serum to a plastic transport tube and freeze (-20°C or -4°F or below).
Preparation for Courier Transport
Transport: 0.7 mL serum, frozen (-20°C or -4°F or below). (Minimum: 0.6 mL)
Rejection Criteria
- Plasma
- Hemolyzed specimens.
- Lipemic specimens.
- Specimens not collected and processed as indicated.
In-Lab Processing
Let specimen clot 30-60 minutes then centrifuge to separate serum from cells within two hours of collection. Transfer serum to a plastic transport tube and refrigerate (2-8°C or 36-46°F).
Transport: 0.7 mL serum, freeze (-20°C or -4°F or below). (Minimum: 0.6 mL)
Specimen Stability for Testing:
Room Temperature (20-26°C or 68-78.8°F): Unacceptable
Refrigerated (2-8°C or 36-46°F): Unacceptable
Frozen (-20°C/-4°F or below): 14 days
Specimen Storage in Department Prior to Disposal:
Specimen retention time is determined by the policy of the reference laboratory. Contact the Send Outs Laboratory with any questions.
Sent to Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester,
Results available in 2-9 days.
Reference Range
By report.
Test Methodology
Semi-quantitative. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.
CPT Codes
Send Outs Laboratory – RO
Name: Send Outs Laboratory – RO
Phone: 248-551-9045
Last Updated
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